Q: When will my items ship?
A: Your items will typically ship within 2 working days of your order. Your order will arrive according to your shipping zone. EXAMPLE: If you are in zone 5 your order will generally arrive 5 working days after it is shipped. When your order ships we will send you a tracking number. Depending on weight or location your order will either be shipped via UPS or USPS.
Q: What is the return policy?
We make every effort to see that your orders are shipped correctly and that they reach you safely. Every order shipped is double-checked for accuracy. Contact us at 1-541-727-8496 if you have a lost order, if the items are damaged during shipment, or wish to return a non-defective merchandise. If a purchased item includes a product guarantee or warranty, follow the instructions on the guarantee or warranty for repair or replacement. For non-defective merchandise returns, you must receive prior authorization to return an item. Specific conditions and restrictions apply including a 20% re-stocking fee. To obtain authorization to return an item for credit or replacement, give us a call or email within 30 days of purchase.